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dear examiner:


i am honored to have the opportunity to submit my application for studyingabroad to you.

i was born in a teacher’s home. my mother was an excellent elementary schoolteacher. my father was and was a teacher. later, he experienced the secondchoice in his life and was admitted to the court and became a judge. my parents'enthusiasm for life and their attitude towards life's setbacks affect me subtly,forming my character of self-improvement and not giving up easily.

the lessons of the senior high school entrance examination taught me what itmeans to be down-to-earth, what is not to be vanity, what is humility andprudent, what is to learn from each other's weaknesses... for three years inhigh school, i worked hard to consolidate the basic knowledge of the subject,master the learning methods, and improve the practical ability of operation. atthe same time, i use my spare time to study a lot of books extensively, whichnot only enriches myself, but also develops my own skills in many aspects. therigorous style of study in yiling middle school has shaped my simple and steadylearning attitude. more importantly, in such a place where elites gather, i havelearned to challenge myself in competition and appreciate others in by step, i have tasted the joy of success: my performance has risen year byyear, and i have seen the infinite potential hidden in my body. it made mebelieve that if i give me a fulcrum, i can also lift up the whole earth!

i have the following reasons for choosing_university:

first, the university is a comprehensive key university directly under theministry of education, with a graduate school, undergraduate majors coveringscience, engineering, liberal arts, economics, management, law, education andother disciplines. it is a solid academic institution. a university with basicand rigorous academic traditions and a beautiful campus environment. in such alearning environment, i will benefit a lot in terms of knowledge and ability orpersonal quality.

the second is _ the university is a work-oriented university, which is inline with my subject interests. i am a science student, especially inmathematics and physics. this time, my mathematics teacher and physics arerecommended for independent enrollment. teacher. i like learning in such anautonomous and open environment, hoping to have a broader prospect fordevelopment.

the third is that the university adheres to the talent training plan of"thick foundation, wide-ranging, strong ability, and high quality", focuses onthe cultivation of innovative ability in teaching, and focuses on improving thecomprehensive quality of students. the university has implemented a series ofnew teaching reform measures including: famous teachers on the platform project,chinese and english bilingual teaching project, "innovative talent training"project, undergraduate and master's continuous reading system, etc., there arealso a series of perfect credit system management systems, including major andminor system, flexible academic system, second degree system, and excellencestudent training system, etc.

nowadays, many college students are facing difficulties in obtainingemployment after graduation. this is something i cannot avoid in the future, buti think this is a problem of adapting to society. the university is a uniqueplace where you can contact and experiment in many fields, and it is a platformto communicate with society. i hope here to master life skills, cultivate my ownsocial role, so that i can assume social responsibilities, rights andobligations, and become a real social person.

the current technological development can be said to be changing with eachpassing day. my study is to master the most basic learning tools and methods. inthe future, i will use these tools and methods to learn new things. we can'trely on the knowledge we learned in the university to maintain our life. if wedon't study it anymore, we will still fall behind. therefore, what major tostudy in an undergraduate course cannot completely determine the direction ofwork after graduation. i hope to choose the major that suits me based on mysubject expertise, but i don't care too much about the professional trend, and iabsolutely obey the school to make professional adjustments based on mysituation.

regardless of whether you choose me or not, respectable leader, i hope youcan accept my sincere gratitude! autonomous enrollment is only an matter whether this opportunity is favored by me, i will not be discouraged.i will go all out to prepare for the college entrance examination and meetrainbow in june (my june is not black)!



self reference:


dear sir:

after months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, i see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with hhh (company). needleto say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not an easy one. please make my resignation effective january 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation. i will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date. i look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard. my association with hhh has been a valued part of my life. good luck to you in the years to come.




1月 面试或者offer通知

2月 签约,抓住9月入读最后机会

3月 与海外招生代表面对面交流

4月 签约:3-6月份,去香港留学可抢占最有利的时间开始准备,提前规划专业课及语言考试,提前规划实习计划。

5月 办理签证:5~7月份 办理香港留学的签证

6月 与海外招生代表面对面交流 签约:6~9月份,时间较为紧张,需要学生尽量配合时间准备

8月 参加离境行前准备讲座

9月 逐步开始网申

10月 与海外招生代表面对面

11月 大部分专业开始网申



9月-11月:办理相关材料和成绩单等必备文字资料 ;





7月-8月: 安排住宿、准备行李、订购机票。


program: human resource management /international business management / media enterprises

in this age of information, economic globalization is subjecting the entire world to an irresistible, all-encompassing and profound any single nation has the likelihood to exceed the boundaries of its domestic market, and its natural and human resources to realize an optimum allocation of resources on the international by now, a pattern of multinational competition has developed and china 's accession into the wto has provided it with a rare opportunity to integrate into the international mainstream economies and to realize its immense development but at the same time china is bound to an important obligation—its solemn promise to abide by all the rules and regulations of trade as agreed upon by all the wto member under such circumstances, it is necessary for china to open its market according to prevalent international conventions and practices and bring its mode of economic operation and management, along with relevant laws and regulations, into an international framework until absolute conformity is

against such a larger background, the physical and geographical concept of the nationality of an enterprise has been virtually the intensification of international competition is bound to create resource allocation on a global how to implement cross-population and trans-cultural management system and comprehensively elevate international competitiveness is a challenging subject that enterprises in developing countries like china have to it is precisely based on this recognition that i, now on the verge of completing my undergraduate program, plans to pursue a master's program in management whereby i may study and research on how international economy operates and how multinational companies apply their effective

my four-year undergraduate program in broadcast and television journalism at the department of journalism and information communication of _ university of science and technology has enabled me to acquire an open mentality, acute insights and rich practical i have been the top student of my class, not only because of my consistent 1 ranking in terms of academic performance but also because of my role as major organizer of a number of extracurricular activities related to journalistic as vice head of our university's tv station, i produced a great number of special feature i interned at a local newspaper office and at _ provincial tv station, winning a provincial-level award for my journalistic i was the assistant producer of a special show about _ province in a serial program “across china” by _'s phoenix cable through playing different roles, as a student of journalism and working as journalist and tv producer, i have developed an important academic foundation, effective management skills and interpersonal in addition, i have a unique advantage—i have done a second degree in english for science and those factors will be important for my working toward a more advanced degree

as a sophomore, i started my bi-degree program in business i prized this important opportunity as i discovered that it is the subject in which my true interest in this program, i have systematically studied all the relevant management courses including human resource management, marketing, and market my academic performance in this program is equally in may 20_, as one of a few student delegates, i participated in the third mba development forum of china held in the city of _ . i helped my advisor prepare his presentation and i also interviewed leading scholars and experts on mba in our this experience significantly deepened my understanding of management and broadened academic

my distinguished academic performance in the first three years has qualified me for a direct master's program in journalism in my alma however, i am very clear about my academic interest and my future career therefore i have relinquished the offer in favor of applying for a more advanced education in as a discipline western in origin, management science is undoubtedly a field of study whose teaching and research western universities are most good therefore, i am determined to apply for a master's program the london school of economics and political science,arguably the better of the best western universities in social your esteemed university enjoys a unique academic position and an unparalleled academic reputation in the western world, with a large number of leading scholars working in their respective situated in london where one can witness distinctive cultural parallelism, it will not only teach me the most updated professional knowledge but also ample sociological understanding of its cultural

in my proposed study, i will contribute my research talents because i possess experience of participating in a major research for an entire year from december 20_ to december 20_, as the sole undergraduate of the research group, i took part in the study of _ city's specialized water management system, which is part of the country's “863” key scientific and technological research program undertaken by _ bluewater science and technology i performed field study of the water resources in the _ region of _ city and the wealth of statistics that i collected and codified provided valuable reference materials for the entire research in addition, i proposed that bot(build-operate-transfer)could be employed to construct a small-scale waste-water treatment the most important role i played was the substantive research i carried out for the topic on lake management system and the research report that i _x, the leader of the research group, praised me as “demonstrating impressive professional dedication and sound research potential, with strong analytical and problem-solving ”

i have lived a colorful extracurricular learning dancing in my childhood, i became the leader of the dancing team of our university's art troupe, and launched traveling performances in neighboring representing _ province, i participated in china 's first national dancing contest for university students, at which i won the third moreover, as a key member on the student management committee of our university's library, i organized a campus-wide book-reading in 20xx, as one of the five delegates of our university, i attended the new millennium administrative elites training program jointly sponsored by _ chinese university and _ general chamber of i have been working as a secretary at the international exchange department of _ university of science and technology where i am responsible for receiving foreign delegations, offering consultations and arranging lectures and academic based on those experiences, i will continue contributing my extracurricular

in this age of increasing specialization, i hope to develop myself into a specialist on human resource management with the best training from one of the world's best academic therefore, receiving a quality education from _will be a vital step to my personal and career development and to the fulfillment of this long-cherished aspiration of

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
